How to Keep Young Minds Active Over Summer

Summer is in full swing, we hope all of our student have been having a fun relaxing break. We have 5 more weeks before we start the 2024-2025 school year begins. Parent just keep in mind that summer brain drain, or the loss of academic skills during summer vacation, is real! Here are some tips to keep your child’s mind active so they are ready for the fall:

  1. Daily Reading: Set aside time each day for reading. Choose a mix of fiction and non-fiction books to keep it interesting.
  2. Educational Apps: Use educational apps and games that focus on math, reading, and problem-solving skills.
  3. Writing Practice: Encourage your child to keep a summer journal or write letters to family members.
  4. Puzzle Games: Play board games, card games, or do puzzles together to enhance critical thinking skills.
  5. Explore Nature: Visit museums, zoos, or nature centers to provide hands-on learning experiences.
See you all soon!